The Christian Story About Forgiveness

The Christian Story About Forgiveness

Christian story, the Christian story building, the story of the Christians, the Christian story about forgiveness, revenge of the Christians, the story of forgiveness

Michael R. Jonly or familiarly called Mike Only is a child who grew up in the middle of the fathers and mothers who often quarrel. Mike grew up with a little bad childhood memories with her father. Mother, sister and Mike themselves often victims of physical violence of his father.

One day, a big fight going on between father and mother. It made the father left home and never again return. This simple family finally had split up and live with economic limitations.

Christian story, the Christian story building, the story of the Christians, the Christian story about forgiveness, revenge of the Christians, the story of forgiveness

Life without a head of the family, making the mother be so devastated. The husband who is expected to meet the needs of family life can no longer be relied upon. The mother decided to work overseas as maids (Labor Women) and left Mike and his sister in Indonesia.

"There is no income or income in the family. So we had to stay with neighbors, staying with a friend a ride. Menumpangnya not only ride but also ride eat sleep, "said Mike when he delivered his testimony to the Solutions team.

In the midst of the difficulties of life in which they live, Mike, who was in high school was forced to discontinue their education because they do not have to pay tuition fees that has been in arrears.

Since no longer attend school, Mike lived farther from the word good. Mike began to fall into bad association teenagers in general. Interaction make him familiar with the habits of gambling, booze up in a fight.

There is one event that is so strong impression in the minds of Mike. The time when she had to nestle in a holding cell after being caught doing brawl with his friends. At that time, Mike confessed really do not want to feel the pain of living behind bars. For that he had sought released with the help of his father who was then he knew back since a long time to disappear.

"When my Dad came to the Police actually I was thrilled. Glad that is not happy at his Papa. I'm happy because I think the only one who can redeem me. But it turns out he actually said to the police so let this be a lesson in my life, "recalls Mike.

Mike hearts began to burn when he had to accept the fact that the father did not deign to redeem from a prison cell. Mike hearts more fiery revenge and start menekatkan in his heart that one day after being released from prison, he would deal with his father. "I think I will get my revenge," he explained.

February 1993, Mike Only free from prison. He then accidentally met with a father somewhere. The meeting that he considers not the right time to wreak revenge. With normal as possible, Mike began said his desire to resume school. He asked that the father would pay for school back in.

To continue school, Mike had to live with his father. But alas, again the father began to be indifferent to all school purposes Mike. Until finally a quarrel broke out and Mike got physical abuse from her father.

Mike then felt so heavy saturation pressed. She felt frustrated that so much of their own destiny. To fill all the emptiness, he started it out with booze and hangover.

Mike begins to convince his brother who also experienced the impact of a family shattered, that what they naturally occur caused by the father. "That's where I incite my brother for revenge. "Let's get our revenge against Papa. We kill him ". My sister finally agreed. "

Drunk, sisters went to the residence of the father to complete the mission of vengeance. Unfortunately, they did not find his father in the house. In fact the house is empty.

Mike halted annoyed with himself. He was getting fed up with the life that he lived; without direction and purpose.

But God in fact does not release his view of Mike. In one day, Mike met a teenager who took her in church. And since that time, he began to open up to receive the Lord and realize that a good father figure exists only in Jesus.

"During this time there is actually a figure of the Father is in the Lord Jesus, who always pay attention to me, who always care about me, who always loved me, who has never left me. Not taking into account the errors and sins that I do. "

Mike who held a grudge so big to the father finally opened up to unforgiveness. Although heavy, but Mike remembering that Jesus' love for his first major.

In 1997, Mike Only submit his life to become a pastor. He decided to continue the Bible school and serve as a servant of God today.

Source: Michael R. Jonly

Christian story, the Christian story building, the story of the Christians, the Christian story about forgiveness, revenge of the Christians, the story of forgiveness

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