Combustion Experiment Church in Palu, Central Sulawesi Indonesia

Combustion Experiment Church in Palu, Central Sulawesi Indonesia

Burning of Churches in Indonesia

A church in Jalan retired, Village South Tatura, Palu, Central Sulawesi, the Adventist Church tried to set on fire by unidentified persons on Wednesday (02/15/2017), but the attempt failed. This event is the second time for the church in Palu, where on Sunday (12/2) Kibaid Church in Jalan Lorong Manimbaya Church, Village North Tatura also terrorized.
Between released, attempted arson was estimated to occur around 03.00 pm on Wednesday. Police officers on Wednesday (15/12/2017) morning at around 08.00 pm only to find a bottle of mineral water that smelled of gasoline, while the main door of the church and a front wall that uses a ceramic looked blackened former flames.
A resident who lived around the church, Agustina, not knowing that there are people who want to harm the church. "I had heard there were some vehicles passing by at the time and the sound of people laughing," he said.
Place the crime scene was found a few bottles of mineral water that smelled of gasoline were allegedly used by the perpetrator to burn the church. "I happened to be called by a member of the church to immediately to church because the church is almost on fire," said Evert, a deacon who said finding out that there are people who want to burn the church at 08:00 pm.

Most likely, said Evert, the perpetrators threw bottles containing gasoline from outside the fence, and then bring fire to the front door of the church due to entrance padlocked fence. Shortly after that, a number of police officers from South Palu and Palu Police arrived at the scene and immediately put the police line to identify in the yard and the outside of the church building.

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