Christian real life story
Christian real life story about Sandy

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Early first diagnosed with this deadly disease, Sandy felt his life was shattered and felt a deep disappointment to God. Since that time, Sandy just think that HIV / AIDS is a disease that is incurable and considered a taboo disease.
"I said to the Lord, why me among the millions of people in this world, I am the morbidity of HIV that I knew at the time, there is no cure illness. Many people do not like this because of the stigma sick sick sinners. So I was afraid other people know, I am afraid to live my life, "said Sandy.

Such Dikisahkannya, HIV / AIDS originated from Sandy habit of visiting places of prostitution, close to where he lived. He wanted to get the attention of others, and the desire was acquired there.

Shortly thereafter, he was getting the attention of a female commercial sex workers (PSK). Attention was made comfortable and assume the woman would make her happy. Unfortunately, Sandy is still young age and has not had anything sbelum able to promise a good life to her lover. Although contrary to his heart, he was unable to prevent the woman he loved still carry out his work as a prostitute and prefer other men.

Since decided to breakup, Sandy eventually migrate to Malaysia. He thinks that money can give happiness. Unfortunately, the results of the medical check that it passes diagnose Sandy hit by HIV / AIDS.

Four years after the verdict, Sandy condition decreases. Nobody knows her condition, including her mother alone. "I drop, and had thought of ending life as well because I was afraid that others know I died of HIV illness," explains Sandy skata.

While the mother continues to wonder about the condition of her son dying and helpless. "My sadness when I hear my children infected with HIV, I was screaming, crying to God. The Lord is everything, I leave it all to God, 'God if anything happens to my son. Even if the Lord will raise my child, my child kepengen I live in God ". It was in my mind ', "said her mother, Meskey Monitor.
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Sandy saw how great the love of the mother to her. In times of heavy fighting HIV / AIDS, Sandy began to seek God through the word of God. The Book of the Gospel of John is a strong motivating rema Sandy. God warned that he could do this great thing, including healing.

"There was one story or one verse into rema bua me at the time, were ringing in my mind. Where is the story of Thomas doubted the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And there the Lord said, when Tomas already believe and God proves His resurrection, 'the Lord said: Blessed are those who believe but do not see,' "he said.

"And there as if God spoke to me, 'Sandy trust even though you are still not healed. I was crying uncontrollably like a child, "he continued.

Since then, Sandy began to open my heart and want to walk with God. Not only to get healing per se, but more than that to get to know and love God. Who would have thought, a miracle happens in life Sandy. Through a routine check, Sandy found a very significant development. His condition is improving and doctors have even found that the virus lodged in the body undetected. God kept his promise, giving a total cure to Sandy.
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"I saw my son Sandy, her rigid figure. When faced with this illness, he continued to walk with the Lord Jesus. He never gave up, even until now he's a lot more to serve God and be a blessing to many people, "said the mother.

And this time Sandy had to get a life so happy. He has a good family, wives and parents who love her. Is not that a proof of God's care? Even if we are diagnosed with a disease that has no cure, if we rely completely on the Lord healing the impossible can happen.

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