The story of Moses
The story of Moses

Moses was a man sent by God to go deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt, and led them to the promised land that God promised to Abraham, the land of Canaan. Moses had to pass through many obstacles before finally actually received a mandate as the one sent by God to deliver Israel, for example: almost killed when he was a baby, being chased by Pharaoh, to have to live life as a shepherd in Midian for 40 year. It all is allowed God to shape his character, until the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the event of burning bush, but not consumed by fire. When Moses had received the mandate to liberate the people of Israel, the Lord's power began with Moses, characterized by the presence of miracles -mujizat held by God through Moses, both when the liberation of Israel with plagues, or when the period of Israel's journey to Canaan. In the end, Moses was not to lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan, because of the words of Moses in Mara errors caused by how bitter Moses face of Israel. Moses only deliver the children of Israel to the east bank of the Jordan, before crossing into the land of Canaan, the promised land. Mosaic was eventually replaced by a faithful servant Joshua the son of Nun, who finally managed to lead the nation of Israel entered and occupied the land of Canaan. Moses' life time line is as follows: Moses was born hundreds of years after Joseph died, in the reign of Pharaoh. Moses was from the tribe of Levi.

What is the name Moses' wife? Commentators argue that the women of Ethiopia (Cush) mentioned in Numbers 12, who does not like Aaron and Miriam, is Zipporah. Their refusal is believed to have been caused by jealousy towards his family and their influence.

What happens to the rod of Moses?
There is no record of what happened to Moses' rod. Aaron's rod, said (in Heb. 9: 4) stored in the Jewish holy ark along with tablets and a pot of manna

The story of Moses, the prophet Moses, the story of Moses, the wife of Moses, the prophet Moses' rod, stick Moses, the brother of Moses

Why Moses struck the rock?
Note in Numbers 20 very clearly shows that Moses did not obey the divine command when it struck the rock as he did. At that moment he seemed to lose faith and patience. He clearly instructed "say in their presence to the rock" (v. 8), but what he did say before the men were in a hurry and very passionate and struck the rock twice (cf.. Ps. 106: 32, 33). His whole attitude showed his doubts were not directed at the power of God, but rather the willingness to help those who have rebelled. Further said, Moses did not respect (cf.. V. 12) because of his language and his attitude lowers the incident holiness and therefore not pleasing to God. He has been entrusted with boldness great effort, and the perfect obedience and absolute faith in God is necessary. Consequently shows, failure to bring serious consequences for the entire nation.

Dispute what happened between Michael, the archangel with the devil about the body of Moses?
Parts contained in Jude 1: 9 refers to a dispute between Michael with the devil about the body of Moses considered by Vitringa, Lardner, McKnight and commentators other leading, as symbolic of the "body of Moses" is meant to represent the laws and institutions of Moses (cf.. Zech. 3: 1), together with the modern Christian who calls the Church as the "body of Christ". According to others, it refers to the body of Jewish legends relating to the secret burial of the great lawgiver (Deut. 34: 6). Targum of Jonathan connect the burial of Moses made by the hands of angels, led by Michael who becomes protector of Israel. Other views were written in the books of the Hebrew state that the Devil questioned the burial, the body declared that they are entitled because of the blood of the Egyptians were killed Moses, and for his sin as a leader in Meriba. By holding the "power over death", he opposed the revival of the body of Moses with the reasons for this, but the presence of Moses, the real along with Enoch and Elijah few moments later when the Glorification of the Lord Jesus give evidence about the victory of Michael, and also became a promise the resurrection to come. Josephus, the Jewish historian (in Antiquities 4: 8), states that God hid the body of Moses, so as not to be worshiped by the people.

The story of Moses, the prophet Moses, the story of Moses, the wife of Moses, the prophet Moses' rod, stick Moses, the brother of Moses

In the body type did Moses appear at the Transfiguration?
Perhaps the spiritual body, called Paul (I Cor. 15:44). Difficult for us to imagine a body like that because we are so accustomed to recognize life only if he expresses itself through our senses. But it is rash to draw the conclusion that the power of the soul is dependent on the physical senses. The soul may have, or acquire after the death of the body, new ways are probably superior in terms of conveying thoughts and feelings.

The story of Moses, the prophet Moses, the story of Moses, the wife of Moses, the prophet Moses' rod, stick Moses, the brother of Moses

In the New Testament, Luke 24:44; Acts 13:15; 28:23, "Books of Moses" is the teachings of the Jewish religion according to their beliefs come from Moses and that has been compiled into a book. Usually the question is the first five books of the Old Testament. Likewise "the Prophets" is the Jewish religious teachings taught by the prophets of yore, and that has been compiled into a book. The definition of "Books of Moses" and "the Prophets" is the Old Testament.

The story of Moses, the prophet Moses, the story of Moses, the wife of Moses, the prophet Moses' rod, stick Moses, the brother of Moses

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